Przyjaciel w Potrzebie - Friends in Need


07494 679 674

0131 337 1376

Health All Round recognizes how daunting it can be to come along to social activities when you don't know anyone and you are still struggling to communicate in English - or perhaps your English is pretty good but you are feeling low in mood, anxious and lacking in confidence.

If your first language is Polish or Ukrainian - Our Friends in Need Development Worker and her volunteers can help you to access Health All Round services, and get the most from them while you are there. So please, even if you have very little English, contact us and we will do our very best to make our services as welcoming and supportive as they can possibly be. We can also signpost you to other local services for health and well being and advise you of agencies to support you with financial issues or crisis support.

What we offer:

Friends in Need - On The Town

Come and join our new, monthly group for Polish and Ukrainian People, exploring Edinburgh. It is a wonderful way to get more active and make new friends. 

Contact Anna for details

  • Where: Varies

  • When: Varies

Good Morning Gorgie

This popular social group includes a broad range of activities including: Gentle Exercise; Singing; New Age Kurling; Art Workshops; Seated Swing Dance; Reminiscence; Story telling; quizzes...

There is no pressure to join in activities, you can just sit and chat if you prefer – there is always someone to chat to! A light nutritious lunch is served, with good bread and home made soup which (in spring and summer) includes vegetables from the Health All Round allotments. We take care to ensure that specific dietary requirements are catered for so if someone cannot have a particular food then they can still join in the lunch.

We are sure you will be cheered and energised by this light hearted and friendly group, but if there are problematic issues in your life, staff and volunteers are available for support and information on additional services to meet your needs.

  • Where: St Martin’s Community Resource Centre, 232 Dalry Rd

  • When: Tuesdays at 10am - 12:30pm

I Like Mondays

I like Mondays is a new social group for Polish and Ukrainian people, who, from various reasons, find it difficult to engage in the mainstream services. This is a very small and friendly group where we offer a cup of tea or coffee, interesting activities and food. Spaces are limited so if you are interested, please contact Ania to book a space.

  • Where: Gorgie War Memorial Hall

  • When: every second Monday at 1pm - 3pm

Polish Conversation Cafe

A small, informal, on-line group supporting people to improve their spoken English. These groups are tailored to the needs of people who are unable to engage in mainstream English Language classes.

  • Where: Online

  • When: Thursdays at 10am - 11am

Live Music Now Scotland, People Know How, Polwarth Parish Church and Health All Round join together for an extra special outing with our Polish Conversation Cafe...