complementary therapies
Tui Na & Acupuncture
Tui Na is a chinese medical massage and one of the five branches of traditional chinese medicine. It is commonly used for the relief of pain and musculo-skeletal conditions. This therapy is often accompanied by acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a traditional chinese medicine. Practitioners stimulate specific points of the body by inserting fine needles. Acupuncture has been found to be particularly helpful for chronic pain, lower back pain and tension headaches.
Will Beveridge is an independent practitioner who has been delivering this service for Health All Round clients for almost ten years. Will has delivered over 2500 treatments to people in our local community. He has a wealth of experience and expertise, particularly when it comes to pain; we are truly grateful to have him on board
“I suffer from pain in my hips and regular sessions of Tui Nan helps to ease the pain and reduce the feelings of tightness"
“After just one session the pain in my shoulder was gone and I felt more relaxed than I have done in years.”
Reflexology is a holistic therapy based on the principle that there are reflex points (nerve endings) in our feet and hands which correspond to all glands, organs and parts of the body and applying pressure to these points can stimulate the body's healing process.
Reflexology can relieve stress and tension, improve circulation and help restore the body's balance. A treatment can last between 30 minutes and an hour depending on individual circumstances. While the client is reclining, each foot will be gently worked on by the reflexologist using thumb and fingers. Hand reflexology may also be suggested, with an opportunity to learn some self-help techniques.
Accessing Complementary Therapies
You must register with us before you can access these therapies. You can drop in and register on Tuesdays between 10am and 2pm.
Cost: £25 per session
(If you are in debt or financial difficulty please talk to a member of the team)
All profits made support the charitable activities of Health All Round