Vibrant Years Club
07707 916 177
0131 337 1376
Health All Round services are available to people of all ages (over 16) and we welcome older people to make use of any service they think may be of benefit to them. However we know that there are particular issues that relate to later life and so we have a range of services specifically designed for anyone over the age of 55 years.
Older people are especially vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness and there is a great deal of evidence that this can have a major impact on health and well being. People can become isolated for a variety of reasons: children leaving home & moving away; death of partners and friends; physical health problems; weakness and frailty; depression; memory impairment; lack of confidence; lack of paid employment & caring responsibilities.
We provide a range of services to meet the needs of older people living in our area. We always involve participants in organizing and planning events and services and we do our utmost to respond to the issues that they present to us – we really do!
The service is provided in both English and Polish.
What we offer:
Vibrant Years Club
This popular social group includes a broad range of activities including: Gentle Exercise; Singing; New Age Kurling; Art Workshops; Seated Swing Dance; Reminiscence; Story telling; quizzes...
There is no pressure to join in activities, you can just sit and chat if you prefer – there is always someone to chat to! A light nutritious lunch is served, with good bread and home made soup which (in spring and summer) includes vegetables from the Health All Round allotments. We take care to ensure that specific dietary requirements are catered for so if someone cannot have a particular food then they can still join in the lunch.
We are sure you will be cheered and energised by this light hearted and friendly group, but if there are problematic issues in your life, staff and volunteers are available for support and information on additional services to meet your needs.
Where: St Martin’s Community Resource Centre, 232 Dalry Rd
When: Tuesdays at 11am - 1:30pm
Keep On Moving:
This exercise class is for people who require more support than mainstream classes tend to offer. Suitable for those with very limited mobility or memory problems. Meeting at St Martins every Wednesday, there is no charge and you get a well earned cuppa at the end.
Where: St Martin’s Community Resource Centre, 232 Dalry Rd
When: Wednesday at 2pm - 3pm
Friends in Need - On The Town
Come and join our new, monthly group for Polish and Ukrainian People, exploring Edinburgh. It is a wonderful way to get more active and make new friends.
Contact Anna for details
Where: Varies
When: Varies
Polish Conversation Cafe
A small, informal, on-line group supporting people to improve their spoken English. These groups are tailored to the needs of people who are unable to engage in mainstream English Language classes.
Where: Online
When: Thursdays at 10am - 11am
I Like Mondays
I like Mondays is a new social group for Polish and Ukrainian people, who, from various reasons, find it difficult to engage in the mainstream services. This is a very small and friendly group where we offer a cup of tea or coffee, interesting activities and food. Spaces are limited so if you are interested, please contact Ania to book a space.
Where: Gorgie War Memorial Hall
When: every second Monday at 1pm - 3pm
May 2023
“I am 87 years old and although I have a very caring family, they all work, so can’t be with me 24 hours a day – so it can be lonely. It makes a huge difference having Good Morning Gorgie to go to. Thank you all so much, you are so caring.”
“I am utterly amazed at what the wonderful people at Good Morning Gorgie provide us with – laughter, smiles, food, advice, massages! Then there are special events like the Christmas dinner and Burns Supper – when all the staff from Westfield come and are so friendly too. Many, many thanks to you all.”
“Many thanks for all your care and kindness and for the warm welcome I receive every Tuesday at Good Morning Gorgie. The services you provide really do change lives. Thank you simply isn’t enough.”